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#我愛作家狄更斯 最新消息分享愛來了 #明星報swsnews國際雙語新聞❤️台灣張總編分享 查爾斯·約翰·赫芬姆·狄更斯(英語:Charles John Huffam Dickens,



查爾斯·約翰·赫芬姆·狄更斯(英語:Charles John Huffam Dickens,1812年2月7日-1870年6月9日),英國19世紀中期(維多利亞時代)作家、評論家[1]。小說作品反映出個人的成長經驗與社會的時代脈絡,廣受當時與後世評論家、學者及讀者的認可與喜愛。Charles John Huffam Dickens (English: Charles John Huffam Dickens, February 7, 1812-June 9, 1870) was a British writer and critic in the mid-19th century (Victorian era)[1]. The novels reflect personal growth experience and social context, and are widely recognized and loved by critics, scholars and readers of the time and later generations.

Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England. His father is John Dickens and his mother is Elizabeth Dickens (born Barrow). He is the second child of eight children in the family. Dickens moved to Chatham when he was five years old and to Camden Town when he was ten years old.

When Dickens was twelve years old, due to the debt of his father John Dickens, the family was admitted to the Matthew West Debtors Prison; under the referral of distant relatives, Dickens worked as a child laborer at the Warren shoe polish factory in London, labeling glass bottles. This period of experience is full of hardships, humiliation, and full of human feelings, prompting Dickens's later works to pay more attention to the living conditions of the bottom of society [4].

Although a few years later, Dickens' family situation improved due to a legacy, but overall, Dickens did not receive a complete and good formal education.

After graduating from Wellington College, Dickens first worked in a law firm and later transferred to a newspaper as a reporter, specializing in reporting on policy debates in the British House of Commons, and traveling to Britain to cover various election activities. During this period, he began to publish articles in various journals, and later assembled as "Bozi Notes", which was his first collection of essays.

In 1836, Dickens published "Pickwick Gaiden". The whole book describes the social problems in British urban and rural areas at that time through a series of encounters between Pickwick and three friends during the journey. The book did not attract much attention when it was published. Only 500 copies were sold a year. In the spring of 1837, "Pickwick Gaiden" became a hot topic in China, and the society appeared "Pickwick Fever" for a while, and various related products were sold in the market. Dickens became a famous artist since then.[5] .

From 837 to 1841, Dickens successively published many popular novels, such as "Tears of Orphans", "The Return of the Young Master" and "Old Antique Shop". In 1841, after finishing the publication of "Barnaby Latch", Dickens went to the United States where he yearned for. Although he was warmly welcomed by the locals, he was finally disappointed in the New World. He included these observations in the "A Chronicles of America" ​​published in 1842. Row".

In 1843, Dickens published the enthusiastic novel "The God of Wealth", which became the first work in his future Christmas story series. Later, he published "Martin Jusulwitte" based on his experience of visiting the United States. From 1844 to 1846, he traveled to European countries and continued to write.

In 1849, Dickens published the autobiographical genre novel "The Remains of a Flesh". Since then, Dickens has published more sharp and critical styles of novels, such as "Desolate Mountain Villa", "Tough Times", "Little Du Li", "A Tale of Two Cities" and "Great Expectations".

In 1850, Dickens founded the monthly "Household Words" (Household Words), which included novels by individuals and other authors. In 1959, he founded the weekly "All the Year Round" (All the Year Round). Many of Dickens' own works were the first to be serialized in these two publications.

"A Christmas Carol": Illustration by John Leach for the first edition of 1843

In addition to creation, Dickens is also an active performer. He turned public readings into two-hour one-man performances; "prompt books" (prompt books/prompt copies) are the records of his preparations for this performance: frame the original works, and select them. Save the branches and occasionally add new jokes-for Dickens, who has the talent of a performer, the character expression mark is not needed. Dickens’s reading/playing session began in December 1853, and was performed on both sides of the Atlantic in more than ten years before his death. He wrote a "quick book" for stage directions that he remembered, which later became Dickens’ research and development. A living reference for the subsequent derivative drama/film creation [6].

Dickens's unremitting creation, heavy labor and disappointment in the reform of reality, seriously damaged his health; on June 9, 1870, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and failed to complete his first detective novel "Edwin Drudder". puzzle". In his will, Dickens stated that he hoped to be buried in Rochester Cathedral in a "frugal, low-key and completely private manner"; however, his family received Queen Victoria’s decree and ordered Dickens to be buried in Poets’ Corner at Westminster Abbey. The tombstone reads: "He is a sympathizer of the poor, suffering, and oppressed people; his death has lost the world of a great British writer." [7] Dickens was the first to use human touch to reach middle-class readers in the 19th century. One of the writers exposing social injustice, pioneered the path of social reform through creation; his novels created a deeply rooted and thought-provoking image for the British lower class in the Victorian era through distinctive characters and fascinating plots , Inject hope into poverty, and squeeze out humor from despair [8].

The autobiographical novel "The Remains of a Flesh" is a masterpiece of Dickens. Dickens once wrote in the author's preface in the 1869 edition: "I am like all kind relatives, and there is a child in my heart, his name is David Kao. Bofeier." (Translated by Si Guo) (The original title of "The Remains of A Piece of Meat": David Copperfield). "Other classics such as "Great Expectations", "Tears of Orphans", "The Young Master's Homecoming" and "The Stingy God of Wealth" have been adapted for many times in the future. Most of his works express his views and criticisms of society, and directly point to the problems of class and poverty in British society. For example, "Little Du Li" is known for its acrimonious satire.

In addition, Dickens is very passionate about drama, which is reflected in the vivid language of the role in "The Young Master's Homecoming", and he has made many speeches on stage at home and abroad.

"Sketches by Boz"-1836

The Pickwick Papers-April 1836 to November 1837 (monthly update)

"Oliver Twist"-February 1837 to April 1839 (monthly update)

"The Young Master's Homecoming" (Nicholas Nickleby)-April 1838 to October 1839 (monthly update)

"The Old Curiosity Shop"-April 1840 to November 1841 (weekly update)

"Barnaby Rudge"-February to November 1841 (weekly update)

"American Notes"-1842

"A Christmas Carol" (or translated "A Christmas Carol")-1843

"Martin Chuzzlewit"-January 1843 to July 1844 (monthly update)

"The Chimes"-1844

"The Cricket on the Hearth" (1845)

"Dombey and Son"-October 1846 to April 1848 (monthly update)

"Listening to Dickens Telling Jesus" (The Life of Our Lord)-1846 to 1849, published in 1934

"The Haunted Man"-1848

"A Piece of Meat" (or translated "David Copperfield") (David Copperfield)-May 1849 to November 1850 (monthly update)

"A Child's History of England"-1853

"Bleak House"-March 1852 to September 1853 (monthly update)

"Hard Times"-from April 1, 1854 to August 12, 1854, Zhou changed to "Family Talk"

"Little Dorrit"-December 1855 to June 1857 (monthly update)

"A Tale of Two Cities" (A Tale of Two Cities)-April 30, 1859 to November 26, 1859, weekly change in "Four Seasons"

The Uncommercial Traveller (1860-1869)

"Great Expectations" (or translated "Lone Star Blood and Tears") (Great Expectations)-from December 1, 1860 to August 3, 1861, weekly changes in "Four Seasons"

"Our Mutual Friend"-May 1864 to November 1865 (monthly update)

"The Signal-Man"-1866 "Four Seasons" Christmas Edition

"The Mystery of Edwin Drood"-unfinished, 1870

Dickens stated in his will not to set up any memorial for him. But nowadays, in many places related to Dickens, there are museums and activities commemorating Dickens' life and works, such as the Charles Dickens Museum in Portsmouth, England.

Dickens’s friend John Forster kept many of Dickens’s novel manuscripts, typewriter proofs, first editions and illustrations, etc., which are collected in the Victoria and Albert Museum [9].

In 1891, a life-size bronze statue of Dickens was cast by Francis Edwin Elwell. It was set up in Clark Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and named "Dickens and Little Nell"; there was also a real person in Centennial Park in Sydney, Australia. Large and small statues [10].

Since 1990, Deventer, the Netherlands, has held the "Dickens Festival" (Dickens Festival) for two consecutive days every December on the weekend before Christmas [11].

In 2012, on the 200th anniversary of Dickens’s birth, Westminster Abbey held a commemorative ceremony, and Prince Charles, the British Crown Prince, laid a wreath on Dickens’ tombstone[12]; the Museum of London also held the first author’s study in 40 years. Large-scale exhibition.

From 1992 to 2013, the ten pound banknotes issued by the Bank of England had a portrait of Dickens and the content scene of "Pickwick Gaiden" printed on the back.

Originally scheduled to be unveiled in 2012 at a cost of £140,000, the life-size "Dickens Reading on a Chair" produced by Oxford sculptor Martin Jennings. Due to a shortage of funds, in 2013, it was performed by Hollywood actress Gilly Anderson, who has appeared in Dickens plays many times. Patron fundraising [13], in 2014 the first statue was finally set up on Guildhall Square in Portsmouth, England, the hometown of the writer [14].

Related film and television works

The movie "The Invisible Woman" (The Invisible Woman), 2013[15]

The photo album "Dickensian" (Dickensian), 2015[16]

The movie "The Man Who Invented Christmas" (The Man Who Invented Christmas), 2015[17]

The movie "The Personal History of David Copperfield" (The Personal History of David Copperfield), 2019[18]

Impact on Chinese writers

Dickens’s realist writing viewpoint has attracted the attention of many Chinese literati. Through reading Dickens’s works, Lao She realized the restriction of not having to care about the style of Chinese novels: "Just write it, don’t care about it" [19], the writer Lin Shu came into contact with the translation Inspired by English and American literature.

狄更斯出生於英國英格蘭樸茨茅斯(Portsmouth),父親是約翰·狄更斯(John Dickens)、母親是伊莉莎白(Elizabeth Dickens,娘家姓氏Barrow),在家中八名子女中排行老二。狄更斯五歲時遷居查塔姆(Chatham),十歲時搬至康登鎮(Camden Town)。








1850年,狄更斯創辦月刊《家常話》(Household Words),收錄個人與其他作家的小說。1959年,他創辦週刊《一年四季》(All the Year Round)。狄更斯本人多部作品即是最先以連載形式刊登於這兩份刊物。


除了創作,狄更斯亦是一位積極的表演者。他將公眾朗讀會(public readings)化作兩小時的獨角戲演出;「速書」(prompt books/prompt copies)即是他為此表演所作的準備紀錄:在原作上畫框,擇要而出,省去枝蔓,偶爾新添笑話——對身具表演者天賦的狄更斯而言,人物表情記號是不需要的。狄更斯的朗讀/演劇會始於1853年12月,在距其離世前十餘年間,公演於大西洋兩岸;他為自己所記的舞台說明(stage directions)「速書」,日後成為狄更斯研究及往後的衍生戲劇/影視創作的鮮活參照[6]。


自傳性質小說《塊肉餘生記》為狄更斯代表作,狄更斯曾於1869年版作者序中寫道:「我就像所有慈親一樣,心底裡有個偏疼的孩子,他的名字叫大衛·考勃菲爾。」(思果譯)(《塊肉餘生記》原文書名:David Copperfield)。」其他經典之作如《遠大前程》、《孤雛淚》、《少爺返鄉》及《小氣財神》等都在後來多次獲得影視改編。多數作品表達出他對社會的看法與批判,直指英國社會的階級與貧窮問題,如《小杜麗》即以尖酸刻薄的諷刺筆法聞名。


《博茲札記》(Sketches by Boz)—— 1836年

《匹克威克外傳》(The Pickwick Papers)—— 1836年4月至1837年11月(月更)

《孤雛淚》(Oliver Twist)—— 1837年2月至1839年4月(月更)

《少爺返鄉》(Nicholas Nickleby)—— 1838年4月至1839年10月(月更)

《老古玩店》(The Old Curiosity Shop)—— 1840年4月至1841年11月(週更)

《巴納比·拉奇》(Barnaby Rudge)—— 1841年2月至11月(週更)

《美國紀行》(American Notes)—— 1842年

《小氣財神》(或譯《聖誕頌歌》)(A Christmas Carol)—— 1843年

《馬丁·朱述爾維特》(Martin Chuzzlewit)—— 1843年1月至1844年七月(月更)

《教堂鐘聲》(The Chimes)—— 1844年

《爐邊蟋蟀》(The Cricket on the Hearth)—— 1845年

《董貝父子》(Dombey and Son)—— 1846年10月至1848年4月(月更)

《聽狄更斯講耶穌》(The Life of Our Lord)——1846年至1849年,出版於1934年

《幽靈交易》(The Haunted Man)—— 1848年

《塊肉餘生記》(或譯《大衛·考勃菲爾》)(David Copperfield)—— 1849年5月至1850年11月(月更)

《狄更斯講英國史》(A Child's History of England)—— 1853年

《荒涼山莊》(Bleak House)—— 1852年3月至1853年9月(月更)

《艱難時世》(Hard Times)—— 1854年4月1日至1854年8月12日,週更於《家常話》

《小杜麗》(Little Dorrit)—— 1855年12月至1857年6月(月更)

《雙城記》(A Tale of Two Cities)—— 1859年4月30日至1859年11月26日,週更於《一年四季》

《非商業旅人》(The Uncommercial Traveller)——1860-1869年

《遠大前程》(或譯《孤星血淚》)(Great Expectations)—— 1860年12月1日至1861年8月3日,週更於《一年四季》

《我們共同的朋友》(Our Mutual Friend)—— 1864年5月至1865年11月(月更)

《號誌員》(The Signal-Man)—— 1866年《一年四季》聖誕版

《艾德溫·德魯德之謎》(The Mystery of Edwin Drood)—— 未完成,1870年

狄更斯在遺囑中表明不要為他設立任何紀念館。但現今在許多與狄更斯有關的地點,都有紀念狄更斯生平及作品的博物館與活動,如在英格蘭樸茨茅斯的狄更斯故居博物館(Charles Dickens Museum)。

狄更斯的友人John Forster所保留許多狄更斯的小說手稿、打字機樣張、第一版本及插圖等,則收藏於維多利亞與艾伯特博物館[9]。

1891年,由Francis Edwin Elwell所鑄造真人大小狄更斯銅像,設立於美國賓州費城的Clark Park,並且命名為「 Dickens and Little Nell」;另亦於澳洲雪梨的世紀公園(Centennial Park)設有一座真人大小塑像[10]。

自1990年開始,荷蘭德芬特(Deventer)每年十二月聖誕節前的周末,會舉辦連續兩天的「狄更斯節」(Dickens Festival)[11]。

2012年,狄更斯誕辰200週年,西敏寺教堂舉行紀念儀式,並由英國王儲查爾斯王子於狄更斯墓碑上獻花圈[12];倫敦博物館(Museum of London)亦舉行四十年以來首度關於作家的大型展覽。

從1992年至2013年,由英國中央銀行(Bank of England)所發行的十英鎊鈔票,背面印有狄更斯肖像與《匹克威克外傳》的內容場景。

原訂於2012年揭幕耗資140,000英鎊、由牛津雕刻家Martin Jennings所製作真人大小「在椅子上讀書的狄更斯」,因為資金短缺,2013年由多次出演狄更斯戲劇的好萊塢女星吉莉·安德森出任贊助人籌款[13],2014年終於在作家故鄉英國樸茨茅斯Guildhall廣場上設立首座雕像[14]。

相關影視作品 編輯

電影《狄更斯的秘密情史》(The Invisible Woman),2013年[15]


電影《聖誕頌歌》(The Man Who Invented Christmas),2015年[17]

電影《狄更斯之塊肉餘生記》(The Personal History of David Copperfield),2019[18]

對華語作家的影響 編輯


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#我愛創作好作品 #只想寫下記念文字 #總編編分享愛創作 看著年輕的相片 覺得的結局都已寫好 所有的年華也都已啟程 卻忽然忘了 是怎麼樣的一個開始 無論我如何在手機中去追索 年輕的我只如雲影浮過 青春微笑極淺極淡 逐漸隱沒在社群後 點開我曾年少的影 如詩如畫如夢如幻 我一讀再看 卻不得不承認 青春是一張張 給自己加油讚 #記得幫我的swsnews明星報台灣雙語新聞按贊分享轉發感恩大大 #張總編走邊

#我愛4月13號牡羊座的朋友生日快樂好新聞分享❤️請幫台灣好新聞按讚並分享到全世界4月13號生日的名人有哪些出生 1519年:凱薩琳·德·麥地奇,法國王后。(1589年逝世)

#我愛4月13號牡羊座的朋友生日快樂好新聞分享❤️請幫台灣好新聞按讚並分享到全世界4月13號生日的名人有哪些出生 1519年:凱薩琳·德·麥地奇,法國王后。(1589年逝世) 1559年:松平信康,日本戰國時代武將。(1579年逝世) 1570年:蓋伊·福克斯,天主教陰謀組織成員。(1606年逝世) 1732年:諾斯勳爵,英國首相。(1792年逝世) 1743年:湯瑪斯·傑佛遜,美國資產階級革命家

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