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Jeff Cheung老師出生台灣台北,為多媒體資深創意企劃媒體人,明星養成老師,塑身養生健身體適能作家教練,網路直播節目主持人與製作人,報紙雜誌網路專欄作家,電影電視劇場演員,專業主持人公益行善家 ◎曾為點將唱片、金點唱片、錢櫃雜誌、勁報、自由時報等媒體企畫業務編輯。 ◎擔任過全民、環宇電台、中華電信MOD、愛爾達、星貝達、蕃薯藤電視主持人。 ◎2003年因過勞罹患淋巴癌,悟出健康賺錢法則。 ◎2009年發行《上班族防過勞運動寶典101》簡繁體版。 ◎為國內知名多媒體作品總編與創意總監統籌。 ◎明星工作室創辦人,曾合作張淳淳、賴憲政多位暢銷作家。 ◎從《六分鐘塑一身》到《錢海女神龍》十餘年總銷量達百萬本以上。 ◎明星工作室創辦人,曾合作薇薇安、艾力克斯、戎祥等多位藝人作家。 ◎為亞洲區知名活動、記者會主持人與主辦人。 ◎創世基金會、腦麻協會、普賢文教基金會終身義工。 ◎曾參與多媒體出版,成功獲得第一筒金。 About the jeff ◎Worked as an editor for media planning and business such as Dianjiang Records, Golden Dian Records, Cashier Magazine, Jinbao, and Liberty Times. ◎ Served as TV host for Quanmin, Huanyu Radio, Chunghwa Telecom MOD, Elda, Xingbeida, and Sweet Potato. ◎In 2003, she suffered from lymphoma due to overwork, and realized the law of making money healthy. ◎In 2009, the simplified and traditional version of "The Collection of Workman's Overwork Prevention Exercise 101" was released. ◎Coordinating the editor-in-chief and creative director of well-known domestic multimedia works. ◎The founder of Star Studio, has worked with many best-selling writers like Zhang Chunchun and Lai Xianzheng. ◎ From "Sculpting a Body in Six Minutes" to "The Goddess of Qianhai Dragon", the total sales volume reached more than one million copies in more than ten years. ◎The founder of Star Studio, has worked with many artists and writers such as Vivian, Alex, Rong Xiang. ◎The host and organizer of well-known events and press conferences in Asia. ◎Life-long volunteer of the Creation Foundation, Brain Anesthesia Association, and Samantabhadra Cultural Education Foundation. ◎Participated in multimedia publishing and successfully won the first pot of gold.

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