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#克拉克·蓋博先生生日快樂 #總編覺得蓋博先生的地位如同香港的香港影帝周潤發先生性感永世William Clark Gable,1901年2月1日-1960年11月16日



William Clark Gable190121日-19601116日),生於美國俄亥俄州加的斯,外號「電影皇帝」,美國國寶級電影男演員,《亂世佳人》的主演。1999年,美國電影學會選其為百年來最偉大的男演員第7

William Clark Gable (English: William Clark Gable, February 1, 1901-November 16, 1960), was born in Cadiz, Ohio, USA, nicknamed "The King of Movies," an American national film actor , Starring in "Gone with the Wind". In 1999, the American Film Institute selected him as the 7th greatest actor in a century





1939年,女演員卡蘿·倫芭(Carole Lombard)成為了蓋博的第三位妻子,這位是蓋博一生摯愛,儘管蓋博與倫芭分別是美國共和黨與民主黨支持者,他們仍舊維持幸福的婚姻。然而,好夢不長,他的妻子喪命於一次空難。蓋博深受打擊,便開始在美國陸軍航空軍服役,擔任B-17轟炸機的觀察員兼機槍手,曾受頒飛行優異十字勳章(Distinguished Flying Cross)、航空勳章(Air Medal),官階至少校。二戰後,他返回影壇的第一部作品是1945年的《冒險》,然而這部作品並不成功,米高梅公司考慮到他的高額薪酬,並未與他續約。在之後的十年間,蓋博拍攝了數部影片,但未達到他早年的水準。


蓋博最後的一部影片是《亂點鴛鴦譜》(The Misfits),這也是瑪麗蓮·夢露的遺作。蓋博在1960年因心肌梗塞在洛杉磯去世,享年59歲。他葬於加利福尼亞州戈蘭黛爾的林蔭紀念公園中,緊鄰著他的一生摯愛妻子卡蘿·倫芭。

Clark Gable was born in Cadiz, Harrison County, Ohio, a descendant of German immigrants. His mother died in the 7th month after birth. The 16-year-old Gable graduated from high school and started working in the factory. After watching a drama that moved him very much, he decided to become an actor. He ran for several second-rate theater companies and also worked as a part-time salesperson.

In 1924, he received funding from the troupe owner Josephine Dillon and went to Hollywood to seek development. Dillon was ten years older than him and was his agent and first wife. In the beginning, Gable played only small roles, then returned to the theater company, and only signed with MGM in 1930. In the following years, he successfully starred in several works, making him quickly the king of Hollywood.

Gable won the Oscar for Best Actor for his "One Night of Love" in 1934. However, his most famous role is still Bryder in the 1939 classic "Gone with the Wind", which earned him an Oscar nomination for best actor. Prior to this, he had received the same nomination for "The Mutiny on Blood" staged in 1935. In addition, Gable is also a rare talented actor who appeared in three Oscar-winning films.

Captain Clark Gable, 1943.

In 1939, actress Carole Lombard became Gable’s third wife. This is Gable’s life’s love, although Gable and Lombard are supporters of the U.S. Republican and Democratic parties, they Still maintain a happy marriage. However, good dreams did not last long, and his wife was killed in an air crash. Gable was hit hard and began to serve in the U.S. Army Air Force as an observer and machine gunner for the B-17 bomber. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal, and he was awarded the rank of at least college. . After World War II, his first film back to the film industry was "Adventure" in 1945. However, this film was not successful. MGM did not renew his contract considering his high salary. In the following ten years, Gable made several films, but they did not reach the level of his early years.

His second wife was Mary Franklin, a lady of Texas, and the fourth was Lady Stanley, the widow of Sir Douglas Fairbanks. The fifth wife is Kathleen Williams from Northeast Pennsylvania, a former fashion model who has been married three times. She gave birth to a posthumous child for Gable in 1961, and he is also Gable's only direct child.

Gable's last film is "The Misfits" (The Misfits), which is also the posthumous work of Marilyn Monroe. Gable died in Los Angeles from a myocardial infarction in 1960 at the age of 59. He was buried in the boulevard memorial park in Grandel, California, next to his beloved wife Carol Lemba.


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