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#我❤️金庸大師 查良鏞,大紫荊勳賢 ,OBE(英語:Louis Cha Leung-yung[2][註 1],1924年3月10日[4]-2018年10月30日[5]),筆名金庸,男,浙江海寧人,


查良鏞,大紫荊勳賢 ,OBE(英語:Louis Cha Leung-yung[2][註 1],1924年3月10日[4]-2018年10月30日[5]),筆名金庸,男,浙江海寧人,中國近現代最著名的文學家和社會活動家之一,武俠小說泰斗,1948年起到終老,一直在香港生活。自1950年代起,其以筆名「金庸」創作多部膾炙人口的武俠小說,包括《射鵰英雄傳》、《神鵰俠侶》、《倚天屠龍記》、《天龍八部》、《笑傲江湖》、《鹿鼎記》等。歷年來金庸筆下的著作屢次改編為電視劇、電影等影視作品,對華人影視文化可謂貢獻重大。這亦奠定其成為華人知名作家的基礎,素有「有華人的地方,就有金庸的武俠」的稱讚。金庸早年於香港創辦《明報》系列報刊,並在1980年代涉足政界,曾任香港基本法起草委員會委員[6][7]。他因其優秀的文學作品而被稱為「香港四大才子」之一[8],後與古龍、梁羽生合稱為「中國武俠小說三劍客」。於2018年10月30日下午因病於香港養和醫院逝世,享耆壽94歲[9]。

Cha Liangyong, Great Bauhinia Xunxian, OBE (English: Louis Cha Leung-yung[2][Note 1], March 10, 1924 [4]-October 30, 2018 [5]), under the pseudonym Jin Yong, Male, from Haining, Zhejiang, one of the most famous writers and social activists in modern China, and a master of martial arts novels. He has been living in Hong Kong from 1948 until his end of life. Since the 1950s, he has created many popular martial arts novels under the pseudonym "Jin Yong", including "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Heaven and Slayer of the Dragon", "The Eight Parts of Heaven", and "The Swordsman" ", "The Deer Ding Ji" and so on. Over the years, Jin Yong's works have been repeatedly adapted into TV series, movies and other film and television works, which can be described as a significant contribution to Chinese film and television culture. This also laid the foundation for him to become a well-known Chinese writer. He is praised as "Where there are Chinese, there is Jin Yong's martial arts." Jin Yong founded the "Ming Pao" series of newspapers in Hong Kong in his early years, and got involved in politics in the 1980s. He was a member of the Hong Kong Basic Law Drafting Committee[6][7]. He was known as one of the "Four Talents in Hong Kong" because of his excellent literary works[8], and later jointly called "The Three Musketeers in Chinese Martial Arts Novels" with Gu Long and Liang Yusheng. He died of illness at the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital on the afternoon of October 30, 2018, at the age of 94[9].


求學 編輯




2005年10月,已81歲的金庸離開香港,往英國劍橋大學深造,取得歷史碩士學位,碩士論文《初唐皇位繼承制度》(The imperial succession in early Tang China)。

2010年,金庸完成博士論文《唐代盛世繼承皇位制度》,取得劍橋大學博士學位,指導教授是小他15歲的麥大維(David McMullen)[16][17]。


創作事業 編輯



創辦報刊 編輯



涉足政界 編輯

1973年春,查良鏞曾應中華民國政府之邀前往台灣,並與行政院院長蔣經國見面會談。文化大革命結束後,金庸在1981年與1984年來到中國大陸訪問,並先後在北京與中共領導人鄧小平和胡耀邦會談[23],是首位獲鄧小平單獨接見的香港人[24]。隨後1985年香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會宣告成立,金庸作為委員之一,任基本法政治體制起草小組的港方負責人兼經濟體制起草小組成員。因香港政制方案乃基本法中最為核心且爭議最大,直至1988年方案尚未成型。[25] 1988年,金庸與查濟民提出了備受爭議的「政制協調方案」(又稱「雙查方案」、主流方案)。這個方案相對當時各界所提出的眾多方案中比較保守,因而被認為有礙民主進程而得不到港人支持,查回港後有各種針對他的示威抗議發生。實際上查之本意為給民主派李柱銘、司徒華兩人留出餘地,但當天兩人沉默以示抗議,使得最為保守的這一方案得以通過,大出查氏所料。然中央人民政府當時認為正是底限所在,故其後作修改並被納入基本法使用至今。


退休 編輯



2006年12月完成劍橋大學碩士論文《初唐皇位繼承制度》(The imperial succession in Tang China, 618-762)。2010年完成劍橋大學博士論文《唐代盛世繼承皇位制度》[29]。

逝世 編輯





中國共產黨 中國共產黨:中共中央總書記習近平和國務院總理李克強等現任黨和國家領導人對其逝世表示哀悼及慰問其親屬。[35]前總理朱鎔基、前總理溫家寶、前國家副主席李源潮等亦有表示哀悼。[36]




公職 編輯




中國作家協會第七屆全國委員會名譽副主席(2009年9月至2018年8月)Jin Yong, whose real name is Cha Liangyong, was born on March 10, 1924 (the sixth day of March in the Jiazi year of the lunar calendar) in Xinwei Village, Yuanhua Town, Haining, Zhejiang. He is the 22nd-generation grandson of the Cha family of Haining. Haining Cha is the home of scholars in Yuanhua Town, Haining County. It has a rich collection of books. It has a reputation in Chonglong in western Zhejiang. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a total of 22 scholars were awarded. During the Kangxi period, they created the imperial examination of "one tenjin scholar, uncle and nephew and five Hanlin". The myth also includes Jin Yong’s direct ancestors, Zha Sheng and Zha Kui [10]. His father, Zha Shuqing, is a local landlord, received a Western-style education since childhood and graduated from Aurora University[11]; his mother is named Xu Lu, and she has five sons Liangkeng, Liangyong, Lianghao, Liangdong, and Liangyu together with her husband. With Liangxuan and Liangxuan. When the Japanese invaded South China in 1937, Yuanhua Town was bombed, and Xu Lu unfortunately died of a sudden illness while his family fled. At that time, 13-year-old Jin Yongshang was studying in Jiaxing. Cha Shuqing later married Gu Xiuying as his wife. They have four sons and two daughters. The four sons are Liangcheng, Liangnan, Liangbin, and Lianggen, and the two daughters are Liangqi and Liangmin.

Studying edit

In May 1929, he enrolled in Yuanhua Town Primary School in Haining County, his hometown. In 1936, he entered Jiaxing No. 1 Middle School for junior high school and left his hometown. When the Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937, he moved to Yuhang, Lin'an, Lishui and other places with the school due to the war, and then studied in the junior high school of Zhejiang Provincial United High School in 1938[12].

In 1939, when he was in the third grade of junior high school, he and his classmates co-edited a reference book to guide students in entering junior high school-"For those applying for junior high school". This is the first time this type of book has been published in China, and it is also the first book published by Jin Yong, with extraordinary results [13]. In 1941, he was expelled for writing "Alice's Roaming Journey" on the poster that satirized the director's capitulation. The principal Zhang Yintong introduced him to Quzhou[14]. In 1943, he graduated from the No. 1 Middle School in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province.

In 1944, he was admitted to the Department of Diplomacy of Chongqing Central Political University. He complained to the school because he was dissatisfied with the behavior of student party members and was dropped out of school. Later, he took a post in the Central Library and read a lot of books. After returning to his hometown after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, he worked as a field reporter for Hangzhou Southeast Daily. In 1946, he went to the School of Law of Soochow University in Shanghai to take a course in international law[15]. He graduated in 1948.

In October 2005, the 81-year-old Jin Yong left Hong Kong and went to Cambridge University in the United Kingdom for a master's degree in history and a master's thesis "The imperial succession in early Tang China" (The imperial succession in early Tang China).

In 2010, Jin Yong completed his doctoral dissertation "The System of Succession to the Throne in the Flourishing Age of the Tang Dynasty" and obtained a doctorate degree from the University of Cambridge. His advisor is David McMullen, 15 years younger than him.[16][17].

Since 2009, he has registered for the doctoral program of the Chinese Department of Peking University. The photos of his 2013 graduation certificate were once circulated on the Internet, but the school officials have confirmed that the certificate is only "The school management department is based on the year and month of the doctoral student’s enrollment, according to the usual practice. General preparations in advance cannot be regarded as formal documents. "The statement that Mr. Cha has obtained a PhD degree from Peking University is unfounded"[18]. Therefore, it is determined that Jin Yong is studying at Peking University. According to the search results of the papers of Peking University Library, Jin Yong’s doctoral thesis was not found. It is speculated that he has not obtained a doctorate degree at Peking University.

Creative career edit

In the autumn of 1946, Zha Liangyong entered Shanghai's "Ta Kung Pao" as an international telecommunications translator. In 1948, he was transferred to the Hong Kong branch. In 1950, he went to Beijing to apply for a job in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, but was re-entered into the "Ta Kung Pao" because of dissatisfaction with his foreign policy. In 1952, he was transferred to the editorial supplement of the "New Evening News" and wrote movie scripts such as "The Peerless Beauty" and "Orchid Flower". During the period, I met my colleague Liang Yusheng and became friends.

In 1954, Wu Gongyi (Wu style Tai Chi) and Chen Kefu (White Crane School) competed in Macau. The competition ended hastily, which triggered constant discussion among the public. The editor-in-chief Rover arranged for Cha and Liang to write martial arts novels serialized in the supplement. Liang Yusheng wrote "Dragon and Tiger Fighting Jinghua", and Cha Liangyong wrote "Book and Sword Encounter Record" under the pen name of "Jin Yong", which caused a sensation. Create the climax of martial arts novels. In 1956, together with Liang Yusheng and the master of Baijian who wrote martial arts novels, they opened a column "Sanjianlou Essays" in the newspaper. The three of them wrote essays together, leaving a historical testimony to the "new school of martial arts". In 1956, "The Sword of Blue Blood" was serialized in the "Hong Kong Commercial Daily" throughout the year [19]. In 1959, he serialized "The Legend of Condor Heroes" on the self-run Ming Pao. From 1953 to 1958, he wrote scripts for the Great Wall Film Company under the pseudonym Lin Huan. Among them, "Peerless Beauty" won the Gold Medal of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China. He has also co-directed two films, co-directing "A Woman Carrying Spring" with Cheng Aigao and "The King Tiger Snatching a Kiss" with Hu Feng. He also wrote movie reviews under the pseudonym Yao Fulan, and wrote lyrics for movie songs[20].

Founding a newspaper editor

In 1959, Cha Liangyong and others founded Ming Pao in Hong Kong, and later launched a series of newspapers including Ming Pao Evening News, Ming Pao Monthly and Ming Pao Weekly, and Malaysia’s Shin Min Daily News. Jin Yong also established Ming Pao Publishing House. With Ming Chuang Publishing House. Ming Pao Enterprise Co., Ltd. was registered and established on January 23, 1991, and was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on March 22 that year. Ming Pao Group’s profit in 1991 was close to 100 million yuan. After Ming Pao Group was listed in Hong Kong in 1991, he withdrew from the newspaper management. From then on, he went to travel around the world, teach, retreat, travel in mountains and rivers, and study the classics. "Capital Magazine" ranked 64th in the "List of Hong Kong Chinese Billionaires in the 1990s", and he is also known as a typical example of literati getting rich [21].

Zha Liangyong has written social reviews for Ming Pao for more than 20 years, and his "left handwritten social commentary, right handwritten novel" is a good talk. In the 1960s, due to Sino-Soviet diplomatic relations, China's security was insecure and threatened, and China began to actively develop research on nuclear weapons. In 1963, Minister of Foreign Affairs Chen Yi proposed the "nuclear pants theory": "When you become pants, you must also make nuclear weapons!" In 1964, Cha published a social review of "You Need Trousers, Not Nuclear" in Ming Pao, opposing the construction of atomic bombs in poverty. Left-wing newspapers such as "Ta Kung Pao," "Wen Wei Po," and "New Evening News" responded with "anti-communism and anti-China", "pro-British advocating for the United States", and "betraying the national standpoint." Until the end, Chen Yi stepped forward to stop the attacks of the leftists[12]. Although the Ming Pao series were not radical publications, Cha Liangyong and Ming Pao openly opposed it when the Cultural Revolution broke out. In the writing of the 40th anniversary of Ming Pao Monthly, Jin Yong also bluntly stated that the publication was opposed to the Cultural Revolution, which was specifically shown in documenting Peng Dehuai's achievements and publishing Wu Han's "Xie Yaohuan" script, vigorously defending traditional Chinese culture and criticizing mistakes[22]. Cha Su was condemned by Hong Kong leftists as a "traitor," a "running dog," and "a wolf yong". He was threatened by death and once left Hong Kong for shelter. After returning to Hong Kong, he was specially protected by the Hong Kong government until the end of the 1970s[12].

Get involved in politics edit

In the spring of 1973, Cha Liangyong went to Taiwan at the invitation of the Government of the Republic of China and met with Jiang Jingguo, President of the Executive Yuan. After the Cultural Revolution, Jin Yong visited mainland China in 1981 and 1984, and had talks with the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang in Beijing[23]. He was the first Hong Kong citizen to be individually received by Deng Xiaoping[24]. Subsequently, in 1985, the Basic Law Drafting Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was announced. Jin Yong was one of the committee members, serving as the head of the Hong Kong side of the Basic Law political system drafting group and a member of the economic system drafting group. Because Hong Kong's political system plan is the core and most controversial in the Basic Law, the plan has not been formed until 1988. [25] In 1988, Jin Yong and Zha Jimin proposed the controversial "Political Coordination Plan" (also known as the "Double Check Plan", the mainstream plan). This plan was relatively conservative compared to the many plans put forward by all walks of life at that time, so it was considered to hinder the democratic process and did not get the support of Hong Kong people. After the return of Hong Kong, various demonstrations and protests occurred against him. In fact, the original intention of the investigation was to leave room for the democrats Martin Lee and Situ Hua, but they were silent that day in protest, which allowed the most conservative plan to be passed, which was beyond the expectations of the Zha. However, the Central People's Government believed that it was the bottom line at the time, so it was later revised and incorporated into the Basic Law.

In 1989, the 1989 democracy movement took place in Beijing. On May 20, on the day when Premier Li Peng issued the "Martial Law in the Capital", Zha Liangyong expressed sadness at the PLA's armed suppression of students[26], resigned from the Basic Law Drafting Committee and Advisory Committee, and ended his political career [27]. In the same year, at the tea party celebrating the 30th anniversary of the founding of Ming Pao, it was announced that he would step down as the president and only serve as the chairman of the group.

Retire edit

Ming Pao was listed in 1991. Cha Liangyong served as chairman and signed a three-year service contract. He reached an agreement with Yu Pinhai to acquire Ming Pao technically by Zhicai. In 1993, he fought a pen war on the "political reform plan" of Hong Kong Governor Patten. In the same year, he visited Beijing during the two sessions and was received by Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China[23]. In April of the same year, he announced his resignation as chairman of Ming Pao’s corporate board of directors and changed his position as honorary chairman. He even sold Ming Pao Group to Pinhai and announced his full retirement [28].

In 1994, Cha Liangyong returned to his hometown to participate in the 90th anniversary celebration of Jiaxing No. 1 Middle School and built the "Jinyong Library" in Jiaxing College[14]. After the library was completed, another 14 million was invested to build the "Yunsong Book House" in West Lake for personal collection, writing, and gatherings with literary friends. When the "Yunsong Bookstore" was completed in the autumn of 1996, Zha Liangyong changed his original intention and resolutely donated the bookstore built with huge sums of money. It has now become a new tourist attraction in Hangzhou, containing Jin Yong's works and handwriting showrooms.

In December 2006, he completed the master's thesis "The imperial succession in Tang China" (The imperial succession in Tang China, 618-762) from Cambridge University. In 2010, he completed the doctoral dissertation "The System of Succession to the Throne in the Flourishing Age of Tang Dynasty" [29].

Death edit

At around 5:30 pm on October 30, 2018, Cha Liangyong passed away at the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital accompanied by his family, and enjoyed his 94-year-old life.[30] When asked by reporters, his son Zha Chuandi only returned 7 words, "I left in the afternoon, very peaceful"[31]. Later, he uploaded a number of pictures of Cha Liangyong during his lifetime on WeChat, and left a message, "Tolerance is a heroic sentiment, and if there is no desire, he just discusses the political arena, sees through and puts down the five clouds, smiles and drives the crane to fly in the sky"[32]. The funeral was held in private on November 13. Friends during his lifetime, including writers Cai Lan, Tao Jie, Li Chunen, Zhang Jizhong, Huang Xiaoming and even Pan Zongguang, the emeritus president of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, image designer Liu Tianlan, former chief executive and vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Dong Jianhua, former executive council member Liang Zhihong, Alibaba Group Chairman Ma Yun, etc. There was also a farewell party. The coffin was transferred to the holy pagoda of Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island for cremation at noon, and the ashes were immediately put on the holy pagoda. [33]

There are activities to mourn Cha Liangyong in many places in the Chinese world:

People from all walks of life, including film and television and politicians, expressed their condolences

Hong Kong: The Jin Yong Hall of the Heritage Museum sets up a public condolence area[34]

Chinese Communist Party Chinese Communist Party: Current party and state leaders such as Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council, expressed condolences and condolences to their relatives on his death. [35] Former Premier Zhu Rongji, former Premier Wen Jiabao, and former Vice President Li Yuanchao also expressed their condolences. [36]

China: Many people lit up candles on the city wall of Xiangyang; someone presented flowers at the "Yunsong Publishing House" in the study room by the West Lake in Hangzhou[37]



Public office edit

Convener of the Citizen Advisory Committee of the Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong, member of the Law Reform Commission (1970s to 1980s)

Member of the Hong Kong Basic Law Drafting Committee, head of the political system group, member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Basic Law Advisory Committee (1985-1989)

Member of the Hong Kong Preparatory Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (1996-1997)

Honorary Vice Chairman of the Seventh National Committee of the Chinese Writers Association (September 2009 to August 2018)

所獲榮銜 編輯














紀念 編輯



劍橋大學的徐志摩詩碑相當著名,但鮮少人知道,劍橋大學也有金庸碑。根據聖約翰學院網站介紹,金庸碑(Cha Stone)在2012年7月4日立於聖約翰學院後院學者花園(Scholar’s Garden),石碑高5英尺。[53]



筆名由來 編輯

當年金庸與梁羽生訂下武俠小說之約時,曾想過筆名的問題。後來決定把自己名字的「鏞」字一分為二(金庸於2007年出版的《金庸散文》中亦有提到),成為「金庸」。這就成為了他的筆名。他還有「查理」、「姚馥蘭」[20]、「樂宜」和「林歡」等筆名 。

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